See all of our catamaran training tools below!
Take our Course
ASA 114, Cruising Catamaran
Able to skipper an auxiliary-powered sailing cruising catamaran of approximately 30 to 45 feet in length during a multi-day liveaboard cruise upon inland or coastal waters in moderate to heavy winds (up to 30 knots) and sea conditions. Knowledge of catamaran structure, components and features, performance under sail and power, boat systems, seamanship and safety, heavy weather operation, and emergency response.Learn More

Read our Book
Cruising Catamarans Made Easy
“Cruising Catamarans Made Easy” is the premier sailing textbook to focus exclusively on how to operate a cruising catamaran. This textbook highlights the unique art of sailing a larger catamaran with its distinctive characteristics and operating systems. Richly illustrated with detailed, instructive photos and easy to understand educational text, this 90 page textbook belongs on every catamaran with a cabin!Learn More
Watch our Video
Docking Made Easy for Catamarans
If you ever dream of skippering a large cruising catamaran, but are concerned that your monohull skills may not translate well, let ASA’s new video help you tame your concerns. Learn side-by-side with two time America’s Cup champion, Peter Isler, as he shows how much control and fun you can have using a cat’s “twin screw” throttles.Watch Now