ASA Flotillas Pacific Northwest, USA & Canada

Made up of over a dozen large islands along with hundreds of smaller islets, the Gulf Islands form a special paradise. The six major islands that make up this region are Gabriola, Saltspring, Galiano, Pender, Mayne and Saturna. Each has its own charm and character. Boaters will find excellent facilities and marinas on the larger islands. From lush green forests, miles of beaches teeming with intertidal marine life, rolling meadows to rocky shorelines, these unspoiled islands are off the main tourist path and substantially undeveloped. They contain numerous Provincial and National Marine Parks that often offer protected anchorages and inexpensive mooring facilities. These reserves include land and marine areas on fifteen islands and numerous islets and reefs that provide habitat for seals and nesting shorebirds. In addition, you will likely see bald eagles, dolphins and perhaps orca.