The American Sailing Association has many great online resources to help you on your journey to learn how to sail. Start with our FREE Online Sailing Course and learn how a sailboat works, the common commands used to steer one and some basic sailing terminology. Watch ASA’s Sailing Made Easy and Knots Made Easy videos that teach you some of the finer point of sailing such as heaving-to, sail trim, docking, and how to tie some knots commonly found on a sailboat. Download ASA’s Sailing Challenge mobile app and take control of the tiller in one hand and the mainsheet in the other, and sail off on a virtual sea of fun. By using our online resources you’ll be sure to get the most out of your time on the water during your first sailing lesson at an ASA Certified Sailing School.

Your First Sail is the American Sailing Association’s short, fun, online sailing course designed to familiarize you with the world of sailing, one that some see as a sport and others choose as a lifestyle. After completing this course, you’ll understand how a sailboat works, the common commands used to steer one and some basic sailing terminology. You’ll not only get the most out of your time on the water, but also be able to actively participate in the magic of sailing! Get Started Now >>
The ASA Log Book
Your Sailing Passport

By virtue of the American Sailing Association’s stature in the sailing world, the Logbook is also something of a sailing passport. It is a living document that not only chronicles certification connected requirements, but can be used to keep a record of any and all sea-hours accrued along the way. Having a record of all sailing-related actively, cataloged and presented in this way, acts as a recognized and respected sailing resume.
Get ASA Certified
The Importance Of Certification

ASA Sailing Certification was born out of a clear need for a nationally accepted system of sailing instruction with a uniform curriculum, based on an agreed upon set of standards of sailing proficiency for students and instructors. ASA Sailing Certification gives you the knowledge and experience to be confident and safe on all your sailing adventures – whether you charter a boat from a local harbor, go on an exotic sailing vacation, or even buy your own boat.
ASA Textbooks
Official Study Guides

ASA’s textbooks are considered “best in class”. They are the most comprehensive education and boating safety learn-to-sail guide and are also the official textbooks for the ASA Certifications. Incorporated in the textbooks are useful illustrations and exceptional photographs of complex sailing concepts. The text’s most distinguishing feature is its user friendly “spreads” in which instructional topics are self-contained on opposing pages throughout the books.
Sailing Made Easy
Instructional Videos

Join Duncan Hood, an ASA Certified Instructor, in this collection of sailing video tips by the American Sailing Association. Learn how to trim sails, heave-to, use winches, return to the dock, and more…
Knots Made Easy
Instructional Videos

A collection of videos illustrating how to tie knots commonly used when sailing. The videos show how the knots are tied as well as talk about scenarios where each knot is useful on board a sailboat.
Docking Made Easy
Instructional Videos

Cruising World presents “Docking Made Easy” an ASA educational video in association with Beneteau America. In a perfect world the wind will be blowing parallel to the dock…
Bite Sized Lessons
Instructional Videos

We know that learning to sail can be overwhelming and there is a lot to take in. In an effort to help we’ve created a series of “Bite Sized Lessons” taken straight out or our textbooks.
Sailing Quizzes
Test Your Sailing Knowledge

A collection of quizzes that test your general sailing knowledge from anchoring to cruising to navigation to knots. A great way to learn some new things that will come in handy when you’re out on the water!
Social Networking App

Go Sailing is a free social networking app which connects people interested in sharing the experience of sailing. A great solution for skippers needing crew and sailors wanting to sail. Download Now >>