Bahamas Adventure: The Sea Pearl 21 Sailboat

By: American Sailing Association, Equipment, Flotillas, Sailboats

This guest post by ASA’s Brenda Wempner is about ASA’s 2011 adventure flotilla in the Exuma Islands (or “Out Islands”) of the Bahamas. Find out more about ASA’s flotillas here.
sea pearl cruising

This was my first boat checkout standing knee deep in water for the briefing.

Most bareboat charter arrangements begin with a chart briefing and boat checkout, but this one was very unique. Dallas, our guide, explained the Sea Pearl 21 to the group.

The front sail is the Main and the back sail is the Mizzen. At the gooseneck there was a locking mechanism. When that mechanism was removed the masts would rotate, allowing the sail to furl around the mast. This is how we would reef and put away the sails.

Most of the boats had leeboards. This was a board on either side of the boat that would be lowered on the downwind side while sailing. The boats were wide open, putting a whole new meaning to the word “bareboating.” Our gear (tents and clothes) were stored in dry sacks aboard the boats.

Beaching the boats on the beautiful white sand beaches and camping at night: This was an amazing adventure.

This video shows the flotilla members gathered around as Dallas explains how this boat’s unusual rigging works!