
SAIL Magazine talks about FindMyCharter

By: Charter

From the July 2014 issue of SAIL Magazine – “When you’re new to chartering, shopping around can be overwhelming,” says Kathy Christensen of American Sailing Association. “A high percentage of our students get certified through us so that they can go on charter. Our motto is: you’ve learned to sail with us. Now, come have fun with us!

That’s the thinking behind the company’s new companion website, There, ASA members work with a broker to discover available crewed and bareboat charters around the world. The broker is involved from the time of the booking to the time the crew gets off the boat at the end of the charter. They act as an advocate for the guest in case anything goes wrong, and they help them find the best deals, culling from their database that includes both ASA affiliate schools and major charter companies worldwide.

What sets us apart from your typical charter broker,” explains Kay West, the lead broker at ASA, “is that we also taught these sailors how to sail. We understand their level of skill and we can book them a charter, help them find a refresher course or suggest an ASA flotilla so that they can ease into chartering.

The website also includes a “charter tips” section where members can read advice on selecting a boat, finding a location, provisioning, prepping the crew and more.