Featured Instructor: Captain Paul Barnett

By: Instructors, Schools

Perry Yacht Club Captain Paul Barnett is This Month’s Featured Instructor

ASA instructor, Paul Barnett, teaches on Perry Lake in Kansas. His paramour as he puts it is sailing. It is no coincidence his boat is aptly named Paramour.  He has taught sailing for over 30 years from starting on a small lake to now operating his own school.  He started at Perry Yacht Cub Sailing School almost 10 years ago, running their sail camp for kids. Soon he was a Keelboat Instructor and eventually was running the adult sailing program. “I learned to sail in the Chesapeake near Baltimore, onboard a friend’s Merit 23.”  You could say that is where the affair with sailing began.

Captain Paul Barnett is this month’s ASA Featured Instructor.

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ASA: What got you into sailing?

Captain Paul Barnett:

As a boy, I loved seeing the sailboats that I saw sailing out of Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn where my grandparents lived. As I became an adult, I continued my love of all things aquatic. I started sailing at age 30 and never looked back.

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ASA: What was your most memorable student or class?
Captain Paul Barnett:

I truly love sharing my passion. During one of my first Intro classes, I noticed “it” the minute we shut the motor off and the sails were up and my student was instructed to pull the tiller to fall off. At the moment the sails filled, her face lit up with an ear to ear grin and brilliant, her moist eyes signifying that joy of sailing for the first time.

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ASA: Your favorite place to sail?
Captain Paul Barnett:

I love sailing the Caribbean for the warm turquoise water, steady breezes, great food, friendly people, and spiced rum drinks.

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ASA: What do people not know about sailing that they should?

Captain Paul Barnett:

People should know that everyone can sail, even those of us who are landlocked. You can start sailing later in life and keep on sailing well into the mature senior years.

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ASA: Why Should People Sail?

Captain Paul Barnett:

Sailing is the most Zen activity I know of. You apply your skills and make the boat go where you want by concentrating on the wind, the water, the sails, the sounds of the hull gliding through the water and the sound of your own heartbeat telling you that at that moment, you are truly alive.

“As a successful racer, I found that my real passion was in developing sailors through education. My other love, my Paramour is Sailing. I established Paramour Sailing, LLC School at Perry Yacht Club to share my passion.” -Captain Paul Barnett

Perry Yacht Clubwww.perryyachtclub.com(913) 235-41048369 Yacht Club DriveMeridenKS66512USA
Courses Offered:
101, 102, 110