Who Do You Sail With?

By: Learn To Sail, Sailing Fun

ASA school Spinnaker Sailing in San Francisco shared this photo of Romain and Lucio taking ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing as a father and son team. 

All you need is this photo to explain what sailing is all about.

Meanwhile, take a look at some of these and hopefully, they will inspire you to share your love of sailing with others.

This photo is all about handing over the helm to your children at a young age. They grow up and soon they will take you on sailing adventures around the world.

This what they grow up and become. By the way, they don’t pose for pictures as easily anymore and getting them to work on the wood instead of sailing is impossible.

Share your photos with us and show us what sailing means to you. 

Who do you sail with, friends, family or strangers? The sailing lifestyle is infectious so share it with others and tell us who you sail with.

SeaTrek BVI shares their boat with Teenagers!

Sea Safaris in Chicago and ASA Captian Jean “John” De Keyser and his wife “Admiral” Mila share their boat and knowledge of destinations worldwide on Flotillas.


Captain Joe Mastrangelo in the Florida Keys at Veterans Sailing Association sails with Veterans!

Manhattan Sailing School sails with all of their friends in New York Harbor and in exotic destinations on Arabella.

Our friend and fellow sailor, Kelsey Durham, shares his boat with other racers.

ASA Sailing School, Sailing Virgins, go sailing with their newfound friends in destinations around the globe.